Adobe captivate 9 widgets free
Adobe captivate 9 widgets free Looking for: One moment, please. Click here to DOWNLOAD Widgets in Adobe Captivate (list) - Captivate blog. The width of the object. The height of the object. Maintains the height-to-width ratio when the object is resized. Angle of rotation of the widget. The points assigned to the widget are added to the score results for the current quiz. Points assigned to a correct answer. The maximum is points; minimum is 0. The score of the button is added to the quiz total. Sends the score to the learning management system LMS. Set audio for widgets. The Object Audio dialog box appears. Opens the Record Audio dialog box. Recording audio requires some basic equipment. Stops playing the audio file. Plays the audio file. Using and editing widgets. Accordion widget Certificate widget Radio button widget Checkbox widget Timeline widget. Example 01 - Using the Bookmark widget. Now, publish the project as a zip file somewhere in y...